1. Create a Local Story

The first step to making the local news is to have a good story. We’ve put together a few resources together to help you develop this story:

  • a check-list of the different elements that go into a good narrative,
  • links to a few articles that have already been written about the US Chamber not representing local businesses

Remember, be creative and make the story your own!

Story Check-List

Here are some the key elements that will help you craft a good story for the press:

List of Local businesses who have joined the campaign

Reporters are going to want to know about what  businesses have joined your local campaign. You can also identify the 3-5 most interesting businesses that have joined your campaign, such as a historic business, the largest employer in town, a “fun” business (think of the local cupcake store or disco), or a business that has a connection to the local Chamber of Commerce or your local politicians.

2-3 Spokespeople

Often, your spokespeople will be associated with the businesses you want to profile. A good spokesperson is someone who can speak confidently with the press about why they are joining the campaign and why the US Chamber of Commerce doesn’t speak for them on climate and energy. You can see a list of talking points below. Try and find a diversity of spokespeople, such as one local business owner, one representative from the local chamber, a local politician, etc.

Talking points about the campaign

Having a few clever, witty, or poignant talking points will help you make the pitch to the press, whether you’re talking on the phone or sending an email. Click here to take a look at some of the talking points we’ve come up with and feel free to develop your own!

Facts about the Local, State, and US Chamber

We’ve assembled a list of facts about the US Chamber of Commerce that should help make for an interesting story. The more info that you can gather about your local and state chamber’s of commerce, the better. Here are some questions to consider: How is your local chamber of commerce associated with the US Chamber? Has your local/state chamber gotten involved in political issues in the past? Do they have a stance on climate and energy issues?

Info on climate change impacts and clean energy potential in your area

Since you’ll be talking about climate and energy issues, as well as the US Chamber, it’s good to have a handle on what the potential climate change impacts may be for your region, as well as the potential for clean energy. Here are a couple websites to look for info:

Climate Change Impacts:

Clean Energy Job Potential:

Articles About the US Chamber

Here are a number of articles that have already been published in local papers about the US Chamber that may serve as a good template for you to think about what sort of local media coverage you can be getting:

Hudson Breaking from US Chamber of Commerce

Local Chapters Revolt as U.S. Chamber of Commerce Tries to Buy the Election for Republicans

Chamber Under Fire on Warming