Complete Recruitment Toolkit

With your help, we’re going to ensure that the U.S. Chamber’s dirty money becomes as toxic to politicians as Big Tobacco money is today. In order for that to happen, we’re asking organizers nationwide to recruit local businesses to declare “The U.S. Chamber Doesn’t Speak for Me.”

Before you start collecting business declarations, make sure you’ve already given your local chamber a call using the phone scripts that we provided. When you call, your local chamber will either agree to cancel their membership and/or make a public statement in opposition to the U.S. Chamber, or they won’t. If they refuse, it’s time to start recruiting businesses, to build up local support and a strong case for why the local chamber should disassociate.

Now that you’ve called your local chamber, take a look at the following suggestions and best practices for recruiting local businesses:

⇓ Recruitment Tips and Suggestions

⇓ Helpful Facts and Talking Points

⇓ Find Local Allies

⇓ Sweeten the Deal for Local Business Owners

⇓ The Three Asks of Business Owners

Congratulations! You’re ready for the most exciting part of the campaign—it’s time to recruit local business owners to declare “The U.S. Chamber Doesn’t Speak for Me.” Check out the three recommended recruitment options in the drop-down menus below (or you can download the scripts in the Business Recruitment Toolbox), and feel free to stick to one strategy or you can try all three!

⇓ Canvass local business owners to gather declarations.

⇓ Call local business owners to gather declarations.

⇓ E-mail local business owners to gather declarations.

Take the Recruitment Challenge! Sign on 10 businesses, and we’ll send you a signed copy of Bill McKibben’s new book, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet.

Don’t forget to log all of your business declarations, so that we can keep track of how many businesses are signing on nationwide!

Share inspiring stories and comments about your experience recruiting, or if you have questions or feedback, email us at You can also contact us by clicking the large, black “Feedback” tab on the left side the page.