U.S. Chamber President Donohue makes threatening “joke” at GOP Freshmen

In a recent gathering in Atlanta, GA the U.S. Chamber publicly demonstrated that it will go after anyone–Democrat or Republican–who stands in it’s way. President Tom Donohue was addressing a crowd of newly-elected Republican congressmen when he announced that the U.S. Chamber had a message for any freshmen who voted against raising the debt ceiling: “We’ll get rid of you.”

Apparently, this comment was supposed to be “lighthearted” and a “joke,” but what we heard was an outright threat to the newly-elected politicians in the room. The U.S. Chamber spent $32 million during the midterm elections last year, and it hasn’t wasted any time cashing in on the political influence that money can buy in Washington DC. For any Republican congressmen in attendance who accepted a campaign contribution from the U.S. Chamber last year, the threat was heard loud and clear. Check out the full story on Politico.

Until we can discredit the U.S. Chamber and expose it as an anti-democratic, anti-science corporate front group, and not the “voice of small business” that it claims to be, it will continue to use it’s gargantuan financial resources to threaten and cajole our elected leaders into voting for polluters and against the people. That’s why more than 6,000 business owners and local chambers across the nation have already declared “The U.S. Chamber Doesn’t Speak for Me.” Whether you’re a concerned citizen or a business owner, join the movement and make the declaration today.